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The Best Vape Cartridge For Delta 10

14 Aug 2024
The Best Vape Cartridge For Delta 10 - iKrusher

Delta 10 is a new component in the vape pen industry. With so many different types of extraction, it is important to know if your cartridge can handle it or not. Thankfully iKrusher technology has developed the perfect vape cartridge for Delta 10.


What Is Delta 10? 

Delta 10 CBD is extracted from the male hemp plant. Much like Delta 8. The difference is that most hemp plants have much larger traces of Delta 8 than Delta 10. In fact, Delta 10 is so minute, that the extraction process takes far longer than normal. 

Delta 10 CBD is not as strong as Delta 9 CBD. In fact, it is easier to compare Delta 10 to Delta 8. Due to the minute nature of the compound found in hemp, the potency isn't near as high as Delta 9. 

Delta 10 CBD can be thought about as a Sativa and Delta 8 is more of an Indica. It gives the user a more energetic approach to the experience. 


Is Delta 10 CBD Common To Find?

Due to the extraction process and the minute traces of the compound in the plant, it's hard to find Delta 10 CBD, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to find. If you are looking for it, there are a few things to consider when walking into your local shop. If the package says 99 or 100% Delta 10 - then that might not actually be a real Delta 10 CBD product. 

Most times, Delta 8 CBD and Delta 10 CBD are mixed together. This is due to the trace amounts of the compound. As of now, think of it more as a hybrid compound. 

As the industry is starting to emerge into the mainstream, one of the most influential properties that will help bring Delta 10 CBD to the masses will be its legality. Since Delta 10 is extracted from the male hemp plant, it can be sold anywhere in the US! Much like Delta 8, CBD is currently legal everywhere. 

Soon we will see Delta 10 marketed in more common places, but it will take time until there is enough product to be sold everywhere. 


The Best Vape Cartridges For Delta 10 CBD

iKrusher vaporizers have produced some of the best cartridges to handle Delta 10 CBD. 


Calibro Pro

The Calibr Pro is a staple in 510 thread cartridge technology at iKrusher. Our R&D developed this as one of the first vape cartridges designed with leakproof integrations. 

The Calibr Pro 510 vape cartridge can handle the viscosity of Delta 10 CBD with no problem! On top of that, the Calibr Pro has a wider contact to prevent the vape pen from clogging! 

We utilize iKrushers' patented ceramic technology. Our iKonic ceramic coils provide the most even burn and best flavor output. We designed this vape cartridge with a more porous ceramic material than the next leading brand. This helps to lock in those terpenes and provide a more effective and flavorful experience. 

510 thread vape cartridges weren't always the go-to for wax. They had to implement better-performing technologies and materials in order to adequately vape CBD wax. In order for the 510-thread vape cartridge to get to the top, they had to replace some parts. 

One of the biggest issues was that the vape cartridge would leak. This was due to lackluster components. On top of that, they were designed for thinner ejuice. So they had to climb the ladder of innovation. They replaced the cheaper non-locking components with pressurized rubber that stops juice from leaking out. Next, they had to fix the coil. 

The cotton coil was the bane of all 510-thread vape cartridges. Due to the thicker viscosity of CBD oil, more voltage power was necessary to heat the cotton. Unfortunately, the cotton just wasn't durable enough and would burn out before anyone could get halfway through their vape cartridge. Thus finding better materials became the focal point. 

Research showed that ceramic was the best choice of replacement for 510 thread cartridges. This was due to their high durability and flavor performance. 


The Best 510 Thread Battery For Delta 10

The 510-thread battery has gone through a number of technological improvements. These devices were first marketed for ejuice users who were looking to fill a pen quickly and head out the door. It was small, and discrete and provided just enough power to heat thinner ejuice. This was emerging as a simple, smaller version in opposition to large, bulky vape mods. 

While this was starting to gain attention, so was another function of the overall industry - extracts. Now, we talked about the extraction process a little bit during the Delta 10 portion of this article, but extraction methods have also undergone massive improvements. 

The end result of the extraction process provides close to 100% CBD extract in a sticky wax-like substance. Users would jerry-rig their old waterpipes with a banger, carb cap, and torch. They would heat up the banger using the torch, then when it was the right temperature, they would drop a glob of CBD extract into the banger and then cover it with the carb cap. Thus vaporization happens without any electronics. it didn't take long until someone put the CBD wax and a 510 thread vape pen battery and cartridge together in order to change the industry. 

510 thread batteries needed to go through improvements if they were going to be the device of choice for the new and emerging wax industry. The best 510-thread battery is needed to have the function without losing the form. In order to provide the best 510 batteries on the market, there needed to be a few changes. First, the battery needed more power. While standard ejuice didn't require as much, CBD extract was far thicker in viscosity and the amount of power that needed to be delivered to the cartridge was required to be more. While that was happening, so was the idea of flavor profiles. This meant that vape pen batteries were required to adequately create variable voltage settings to provide users with a more customized experience. 


The S2 510 Battery

iKrusher took what made the S1 so popular and gave it the necessary upgrade. With variable voltage and a much larger battery, the S2 510 thread vape battery boasts a higher level of effectiveness than the S1. 


Will New Vape Pens Handle Delta 10?

New and emerging vape pen technology will more than likely handle the current wave of extracts. While the vape pen industry is ever-changing, it changes in order to handle the new extraction methods and compounds. 

Different types of vape pens are emerging to contend for the top spot in the vape pen industry. The best disposable vapes are starting to introduce more common technologies. 


Our iKrusher TC Series And OMNI Smart System

Now, with disposable vape pen technology encroaching upon the innovative 510 thread cartridge, we are starting to see more intricate and useful disposable vapes.

Disposable vapes have had a large comeback over the past 2-3 years. Ever since they adopted the current technology for leak-proof tank designs and utilized more effective ceramic coils, they have seen a massive surge in popularity.  

iKrusher has designed the next stage in disposable vape pen hardware by taking our most popular vape pens and implementing the new OMNI Smart System. 


The OMNI Smart System

The OMNI App and Smart Hubb are the next stages in disposable vape pens. We have designed this to handle all types of CBD oils. With Delta 10 CBD - the viscosity is similar to Delta 8 - which is thick. You need a vape pen that can handle the higher voltage necessary to properly vape your CBD oil. 

You can adjust your vape pens' voltage setting in order to accurately receive the best inhale and the most optimal flavor profile. 


The Nord TC: Popularity Gets An Upgrade

The Nord TC is one of the best vapes for Delta 10 CBD. The original Nord featured a multitude of customizable options. Now, you still have those features, but with the OMNI Smart System, you can adjust your voltage curve to handle Delta 10 CBD and provide the best vape pen performance. 


Uzo TC: A Delta 10 Powerhouse

The Uzo changed the game by seeing how small we could go. Turns out - it's smaller than your average lighter. These tiny devices still provide the most optimal vape battery and now come with the OMNI Smart system. Making the Uzo TC one of the smallest yet highest-performing disposable vape pens on the market. 

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